Frequently Asked Question

Change PIN
Last Updated 4 years ago

The PIN is used to verify the User's identity when checking their voicemail from a phone or in the automated attendant when contacting Customer Care. This article assumes that you are already able to login to your RingCentral online account but would like to change your PIN.

How to change PIN

1. Log in to the RingCentral Online account. If you logged in using an admin account, click Admin Portal > My Extension.

2. Go to Settings > User Details.

3. Under User Details, click Change Password.

4. Enter your Current Password. This is to verify the changes you are about to make. You can click on the eye icon to toggle show/hide your password.

5. Click the Change PIN tab.

6. Enter the new PIN under New PIN and Reenter New PIN. Follow the PIN Criteria as you type your new PIN.

PIN Criteria
• Only Digits
• No Sequential (ex. 1234, 7890)
• No Repeating (ex. 222, 050505)
• No Account Information (ex. Extension number, phone number)
• Length should be 6-10 digits

7. Click Save.

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