Frequently Asked Question

User Roles & Permissions
Last Updated 5 years ago

The IT Department serves as the Administrator group for the City of Pullman website.

Super Users are users designated by members of the Executive Management team. They have been specially trained in content creation, best practices, and ADA compliance recommendations by CivicLive, as follows:

Administration: Michol Ann Jensen
Finance & Administrative Services: Mike Urban, Dee Stiles-Elliott
Fire: Ray Lamoureux
M&O: Cristin Reisenauer
Neill Public Library: Lori Lewis
Parks & Rec: Merlene Greenway
Planning & Public Works: Beth Johnson
Police: Darby Baldwin
Transit: Brad Rader

Additional authors can be identified by Super Users as needing permission to create and edit content on the website. It is the role of Super Users to train authors from their department on how to add/edit content on the website. It is also the role of Super Users to review and approve content created by authors so it aligns with the goals outlined in the style guide, as well as compliance.

Questions on the website from authors should first be directed to their associated Super User, and then to the IT Helpdesk as troubleshooting needs escalate.

Permissions granted to users will be assigned based on the concept of "Least Privileged" to protect the security and integrity of the website. More can be read on that concept here:

Any requests for changes in user roles and permissions can be submitted to

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