Frequently Asked Question

eCopy PDF Pro - Convert PDFs to readable document
Last Updated 5 years ago

If not already installed, please install eCopy PDF Pro from Software Center.


Once installed, open the PDF with eCopy PDF Pro.

To check if it is searchable already, hit CTRL+F and see if you can "find" a word somewhere in the document.

If YES- the PDF is already searchable and can be uploaded to the Website File Server as-is.

If NO- please follow these instructions:

A single document can be managed by opening the document in ePDF Pro

In the toolbar, go to Tools> Make Searchable PDF, save and close, and your PDF can now be read by screen readers.

A batch of documents can be managed by going to Tools> Batch Converter

Here, you can select the folder where your PDFs live. The Source file type should say PDF, and the Destination file type should say Searchable PDF.

You MUST make the destination folder different from the source folder. Trying to overwrite the existing files deletes them (I don't know why, I learned this the hard way)

Select All, and Convert, and make sure they are named something meaningful before putting them on the website file server (my example does not show meaningful names)


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