Frequently Asked Question

How to send an eFax via RingCentral
Last Updated 6 months ago

To begin, you will need to acquire the RingCentral Glip application from Software Center.

Once logged into the RingCentral application with the Single Sign On (SSO) option, navigate to the following location


When clicking on Compose Fax the fax dialog box will open. Insert the number or email address you wish to fax first. This number can be a city RingCentral number (fax will show as an email), an email address, or a traditional fax machine line:


Fill out the options you wish to include for Company name (your department within the City of Pullman will work), and any notes on the cover page you wish to include (special information or further details about your attachment). Finally, drag and drop a file to attach it to the fax. Your completed process should look something like this (note that the drop down portion is the fax cover page "style" - it can be previewed by clicking on the eye but your selection should not matter as far as sending a complete fax):


After you click Send your fax will begin sending. The application should show a bar similar to this after closing the window:


Due to the fact that fax systems are older technology it may be a few minutes before your see a confirmation email, but you should get one whether the fax completed successfully or failed, it should look something like this:


Please wait a few minutes before attempting to send again if you have not yet received your email. Under Result in the email above you should see Success or failed, if the fax does fail and you are faxing a known working fax line you may retry at this point. From time to time a fax will fail just because the other end did not pick up correctly (the line was in use, someone picked up the receiver, etc.), so a reattempt is worthwhile if the first is unsuccessful.

If you have any additional questions feel free to reach out to the IT Helpdesk.

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