Frequently Asked Question

News Articles: Adding/Moving
Last Updated 5 years ago

The news and announcement section is displayed on the department landing page of all department pages. If you do not wish to use this feature, please minimize the portlet, do not delete it. You can also hide the news section and news archive from the subpage menu, but once again, do not delete or archive those pages.

To add news, go to your department news page, and under +Page at the top menu, select "Department News Content" (a content space page will not render in the news engine correctly)

Give it a name, which will create it's URL.

Page Properties: These are internal settings that won't be viewable to the public, and putting information here is optional for the author

Page Content:
Title will be the title of your article
Featured Image will be the image associated with your article, as will display as shown in the example above
Image Title is the alt text that is seen when hovering over an article, and is required for accessibility
Summary is the leading statement that is readable to users when they hover over the article on your department landing page
Published Date is how the news articles will organize themselves on your new page. Default to the day you're posting unless you're trying to highlight another date/time
Body is the content of the article
Show on Homepage checkbox-- click this if the article is relevant to people outside of your department and should be viewable on the home page of the city of Pullman website

Page Administration:
Release date- change this if you want the article to be public a later date than when you are writing it
Expiry date- change this if you want the article to no longer be public at a certain time

Follow-up Tasks -
Review is if you want someone to review and check for content accuracy/update after a certain amount of time. It will send the assigned user an email reminder to do so.

Archive will archive and hide the page from public view, and website guests will no longer be able to find/view the content, however, it can be re-published later if desired

Move is where you can point the article to move to your department's news archive section. Note: this is different than using the "Archive" drop down option. You will need to browse down to your own archive section by clicking through the pages. Please ask Helpdesk if you need help with this: Browse to Default page set>Government>Departments>Your Department>Your News Archive. You can also select the date you would like the page to move automatically, or when the article is a number of days old.

You can find Page Properties and Administration settings after an article is created by going to the article, and going to Page Options>Page Properties in the top menu. News articles are the only type of pages that authors will have permission to move. Please note that moving pages breaks URL links that point to it that may be located in other areas, if you have them posted.

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